We are HealthReady for 2024!
AI, Health Equity, Access to health,Care, health affordability, health vs productivity!
So much noise but at the core of it all is access on demand because we can’t afford to play around when it comes to health.
The road to building a Tech startup is paved with different layers and our layers for 2024 are these:
1. Launch a platform that will be a value add for our Employer clients.
A seamless platform that takes care of the health needs of your business, aides the wellbeing and productivity of your teams and saves your bottom line.
2. AI and Data at our core: Don’t be intimidated by these big words, we will ensure that we use the best and most responsible AI technology to bring the best value to our Clients. Data being at our core of health intelligence and interventions.
3. B2C Yippee!!!
Our genesis has always been the B2C market, our Mamas, Tannies and individuals at home.
Sign up for our waiting list and be the first to use our WeloCare monthly package which is already being offered to employers. Virtual Doctor consults, medicine delivery and @home nurse visits amongst other exciting health offerings!
Prevent, Diagnose and treat! Empowered by Technology!
2024 here we go!!!